Your business needs one important element to boost itself — customer relationship. Your money and big discounts are not going to buy that easily. Building fruitful relationships need time and consideration. Customer loyalty is going to help you in the long-run and will prove to be impactful even in the time of tight market situations.
The market today is aggressively competitive, and everyone is waiting to snatch your customer away. Customers tend to move away from one brand when their needs and questions are not heard. Your competitors are waiting like vultures to pound on them and drive the conversion which originally belonged to you. Let’s make sure that does not happen.
Here we have listed, the most important of all, three ways that will help you maintain and enhance your relationships with your customer. Powerful and long-lasting relationships are not built just by one offer or through one meeting, you really have to put your energy and effort into it. It requires a complete strategic plan to reach, knock and have a happy conversation with the potential customer.
Reach your customers when the time is right
According to a study conducted by Totango, customers are willing to pay extra for a good customer support. This indicates only one thing–people don’t just want your product, they want your continuous support. With a good system at your end, you can build a relationship with them.
Take any e-commerce website for example. One week after you create an account on Amazon or Flipkart, you start receiving emails whenever there is an offer. They will even do remarketing for the product you just saw, compelling you with discount offers to purchase it. This customized interaction will definitely increase your brand’s awareness.
Have a proper CRM integration at your end. It will make your work way easier and timely.
Monitor your customer’s behaviour every day
One of the simplest ways of keeping your customers to yourself for the long-term is by carefully analyzing how much time they spend on your product and what exactly they feel about the product that they have already purchased.
When a customer leaves a reply or asks a question regarding anything, be prompt and be polite. Avoiding even one question can cause you one conversion. You have interesting products and interesting things to say, not about yourself but about how you can help them in the most convenient way. Do that Reply and interact.
Reward your loyal customers and they will reward you back
Your most profitable customers are your repeat customers. To make sure they come back to you, you must give them or offer them something worth their time and money. It’s a give-and-take deal everywhere. Stay in touch with them and give them something valuable, either in exchange for their regular purchase or for just giving their attention. When your customer feels they are valued, loved, and wanted, they will give back the love in the simplest yet profitable way–they will talk about you. They will share their great experience of shopping with you with their friends and family. Word of mouth strategy works the best. People believe their closed ones.
You reward your customers with any special offer and they will reward you with more purchase order and, in best cases, do the marketing for you. One social media post with your name in it can do wonders for you. They are indirectly become your best salespeople. So build your relationship and don’t let them go. Remember if you won’t interact and listen to your customers, your competitors will.
Consider your consumers more than your revenue streams, make them your family. You will be surprised to see the great response. Everyone wants to be heard. It’s time you open your ears not as a corporate but as helpers. A brand that is helping people with the products and services.
Connect with your customers on social media platforms, wherever they talk about you, you reach there and respond. Reward them, analyze them, interact with them and help them and they will be yours for a long time in a happy relationship.
You don’t have to do all the work by yourself. We know you have a business to run, the best way to get everything done is to have a strategic and powerful army of professionals who will do that for you. We, at Crazy Hippos, take care of your complete online reputation. From crafting informative emailers to creating a customized CRM software, we have done it all and we will use that very experience to do it for you. All you have to do is to Call us.